Creating the Minotaur Prosthetic Makeup
Minotaur Sculpture
Sharp FX makeup effects studio was contracted by Production house Oh Yeah Wow.
The brief was to create a melancholic Minotaur for British India’s new music video ‘I can Make you Love Me’.
An actor was selected to play the part of the Minotaur over the two day shoot.
A head cast was taken of the actor with alginate and plaster bandage.
A plaster copy was then produced in Hydrocal 105.
The Minotaur prosthetic makeup was then sculpted in plasticine on top of the plaster cast.
A set of plasticine horns were sculpted on the head.
The horns were then removed and moulded separately in silicone.
Ultracal 30 Core Mould
The sculpture was then cut into three parts.
The nose, top lip and brow were removed as one piece.
The cowl section was cut in half so it could be removed from the plaster head.
A cast was taken of the hydrocal head cast and then re-produced as an Ultracal core mould.
Minotaur Head Sculpt
The cowl section was pieced back together on the core mould. Then the sculpture was refined and finished.
A fibreglass skull cap was created from the plaster head cast.
Light-weight fibreglass horns were created.
The Horns were attached to the skull cap with male, female plumbing fittings.
This made the horns removable.
Minotaur Face Sculpture
The nose/brow piece was blended into another mould, both sculptures then had their top halves moulded.
The finished Minotaur prosthetic makeup was created in Foam Latex.
The foam pieces were pre-painted.Pax paint and alcohol makeups were used for colouring.
The hair was hand laid prior to the prosthetic makeup application.